Information in English
What is this website?
This website is an introduction to the English language for Dutch language speakers. It offers background information on the English language and literature, words and phrases, grammar, bilingual sample texts and online dictionaries. Of course, if you're an English speaker, you can also use this website to learn Dutch, if you can find your way on the menu......
In the future I hope to create an online Dutch language course for English speakers, similar to this site.
Who made this website?
My name is Harmen Schoonekamp. I studied Humanistics and Russian in Utrecht (The Netherlands) and work as a writer and translator. I write mostly about philosophy, religion, art, language, literature, psychology and sociology. I have published articles in the Dutch Philosophy Magazine and in some of the major dailies. I also translate from Russian and English into Dutch. I've always had an interest in language comparison and the evolution of languages. From that interest came the idea to create Talennet (Language Net), a series of online introductions to foreign languages. This project currently offers more than 100 languages. Of course, I do not speak all those languages myself. I work as an editor on the websites and a small army of translators helps me to translate the texts into their native tongue.
| 2025 Harmen Schoonekamp | contact | Talennet | Webplattegrond |.
"Literatuur is zo oud als taal. Het is ontstaan uit de menselijke behoefte eraan en het is niet veranderd, behalve dat de behoefte eraan alleen maar gegroeid is.
Literature is as old as speech. It grew out of human need for it and it has not changed except to become more needed.