Theologisch woordenboek - Theological dictionary
Een woordenboek over theologie, religie en geloof
A dictionary of theology, religion and belief.
agnost | agnost |
agnosticisme | agnosticism |
Allah | Allah |
atheisme | atheism |
atheist | atheist |
atheistisch | atheistic |
besnijdenis | circumcision |
bidden | to pray |
Bijbel | Bible |
bisschop | bishop |
Boeddha | Buddha |
boeddhisme | buddhism |
boeddhist | buddhist |
boeddhistisch | buddhistic |
Calvijn | Calvin |
Calvinisme | Calvinism |
christelijk | christian |
christen | christian |
christendom | christianity |
De Heilige Geest | The Holy Spirit |
de profeet Mohammed | the prophet Muhammad |
dominee | minister |
Drie-Eenheid | Trinity |
duivel | devil |
engel | angel |
Evangelie | Gospel |
geest, spook | ghost |
geloof | belief |
god | god |
God | God |
godin | goddess |
halal | halal |
haram | haram |
heiden | pagan, heathen |
heidendom | paganism, heathenism |
heilige | saint |
hel | hell |
hemel | heaven |
Het Tibetaans Dodenboek | The Tibetan Book of the Dead |
hiernamaals | afterlife |
hindoe | hindu |
hindoeïsme | hinduism |
hindoeïstisch | hinduistic |
humanisme | humanism |
humanist | humanist |
imam | imam |
islam | islam |
islamitisch | islamic |
Jeruzalem | Jerusalem |
Jezus | Jesus |
jodendom | judaism |
jood | jew |
joods | jewish |
kardinaal | cardinal |
karma | karma |
kathedraal | cathedral |
katholicisme | catholicism |
katholiek | catholic |
kerk | church |
klooster | monastery |
koosjer | kosher |
Koran | Qur'an |
Lutheranisme | Lutheranism |
Luthers | Lutheran |
meditatie | meditation |
Mekka | Mecca |
monnik | monk |
moskee | mosque |
moslim | muslim |
Nieuwe Testament | New Testament |
non | nun |
ongeloof | disbelief |
Oude Testament | Old Testament |
Paus | Pope |
priester | priest |
protestantisme | protestantism |
protestants | protestant |
rabbijn | rabbi |
Reformatie | Reformation |
reïncarnatie | reincarnation |
religie | religion |
seculier | secular |
spiritueel | spiritual |
synagoge | synagogue |
Talmoed | Talmud |
tempel | temple |
Torah | Torah |
Vaticaanstad | Vatican City |
wicca | wicca |
ziel | soul |
| 2025 Harmen Schoonekamp | contact | Talennet | Webplattegrond |.
"We liggen allemaal in de goot, maar sommigen met hun blik op de sterren gericht.
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.